Municipality of Mississippi Mills

Committee of Adjustment Agenda


The Chair to call the meeting to order at 6:XX pm.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes dated October 28, 2024 be approved.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Committee of Adjustment approve the Minor Variance application affecting the subject lands which are legally described as Plan 6262, Part of Lot 19 of the Henderson Section, Part of Lots 13 and 14 of Anderson Section, Part 1 of Reference Plan 27R6310 and Part 2 of Reference Plan 27R9062, Almonte Ward, Municipality of Mississippi Mills, municipally known as 169 Country Street, in order to satisfy a condition of Consent application D10-DEV-24, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the following requested Minor Variances to Zoning By-law #11-83 are approved:
      • A reduced lot frontage of 8.12 metres on the lot to be severed, whereas the required minimum lot frontage for a single detached dwelling is 18 metres in the Residential Second Density, Special Provision 9 (R2-9) zone.
      • A reduced rear yard setback of 0.3 metres on the lot to be retained, for an existing accessory structure, whereas the minimum required rear yard setback for an accessory structure is 1.2 metres in the R2-9 zone.
      • A reduced eaves setback of 0.04 metres on an existing accessory structure, on the lot to be retained, whereas the minimum required setback for eaves on an accessory structure is 0.3 metres in the R2-9 zone.

    2. That the Owners obtain all required approvals and building permits within two (2) years of the decision coming into full force and effect. 

The next Committee of Adjustment meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 4:30 pm. Please refer to the attached calendar for meetings in 2025.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:XX pm.