The Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills

Committee of Adjustment Meeting


Committee Present:
  • Connie Bielby
  • Norm Allen
  • Patricia McCann-MacMillan
  • Stacey Blair
  • Deputy Mayor Minnille
Staff Present:
  • Melanie Knight, Director of Development Services & Engineering
  • Melissa Fudge, Secretary Treasurer to Committee of Adjustment
  • Gillian Bentley, Planner
  • Hayley McCartney, Policy Planner
  • Drew Brennan, Senior Planner

The Chair, Patricia McCann-MacMillan, called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Norman Allen disclosed pecuniary interest in relation to agenda item E.3, pertaining to the property at 101 Main Street East regarding their previous mutual employment at the City of Ottawa with the property owner.

  • Moved byStacey Blair
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Moved byConnie Bielby
    Seconded byNorm Allen

    THAT the minutes dated June 24, 2024 be approved.


Gillian Bentley, Planner with Mississippi Mills, presented an overview of the application. The Chair asked if there are any comments from the applicant, committee members or the public. The following items were discussed:

  • The applicant, John Woodbeck, expressed a preference to locate the shed closer to the house rather than in the rear yard for easier access. The applicant also mentioned that the neighbour, Bruce Barr, was involved in selecting a location that would have the least impact on their property.
  • Deputy Mayor Minnille commented that the decision is straightforward, particularly given the involvement and agreement of the neighbors.
  • Moved byConnie Bielby
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Committee of Adjustment approve the Minor Variance application affecting the subject lands which are legally described as Concession 10, Part of Lot 16,  Part of Part 1 on Reference Plan 26R171, Pakenham Ward, Municipality of Mississippi Mills, municipally known as 396 Barr Side Road, in order to install a pre-manufactured shed, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the following requested Minor Variance to Zoning By-law #11-83 is approved:
      • To construct a shed with a minimum interior side yard setback of 1.5 metres, whereas Table 6.1A(3)(i) of the Zoning By-law requires an accessory building to have a minimum interior side yard setback of 6 metres in the Rural (RU) zone.

    2. That the Owner/Applicant obtain all required building permits and approvals within two years of the decision coming into full force and effect.

Hayley McCartney, Policy Planner with Mississippi Mills, presented an overview of the application. The Chair asked if there are any comments from the applicant, committee members or the public. No one spoke.

  • Moved byStacey Blair
    Seconded byNorm Allen

    THAT the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Committee of Adjustment approve the Minor Variance application affecting the subject lands which are legally described as Pakenham Concession 1, Part of Lot 24, Pakenham Ward, Municipality of Mississippi Mills, municipally known as 400 Baynes Bay Road, in order to construct an accessory structure, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the following requested Minor Variance to Zoning By-law #11-83 is approved:
      • To construct an approximately 85 m2 accessory building in the Limited Service Residential (LSR) zone, whereas Table 6.1A(6) of the Zoning By-law requires the maximum cumulative area of all accessory buildings combined to be no more than 55 m2 in the LSR zone.

    2. That the Owners obtain all required building permits and approvals for the construction of the accessory building, within two (2) years of the decision coming into full force and effect.

Melanie Knight, Director of Development Services and Engineering with Mississippi Mills, provided an update of the application, and informed the Committee that staff have been meeting with applicant, who has requested a deferral. Staff are recommending to defer the application no later than the September meeting in order to resolve the zoning by-law infraction issue as soon as possible.

The Chair asked if there are any comments from the applicant, committee members or the public. The following items were discussed:

  • The applicant, Derek Unrau, confirmed that the revised Site Plan with an alternate design was submitted for staff review.
  • Moved byStacey Blair
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the Municipality of Mississippi Mills Committee of Adjustment further defer the Minor Variance application affecting the subject lands which are legally described as Part of Lots B, C, 5, 6 on Plan 6262 (Mitcheson Section), Part 1 on Reference Plan 26R-1808, Almonte Ward, Municipality of Mississippi Mills, municipally known as 101 Main Street East, in order to give the applicant more time to finalize a new driveway design that consists of one entrance, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the applicant amends the Minor Variance application and returns to the Committee of Adjustment no later than the September 2024 meeting. 

Drew Brennan, new Senior Planner with Mississippi Mills, was introduced to the Committee.

The next Committee of Adjustment meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

  • Moved byStacey Blair
    Seconded byNorm Allen

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:19 pm.