The Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills

Special Council Meeting


3131 Old Perth Road.
  • Mayor Lowry
  • Deputy Mayor Minnille
  • Councillor Ferguson
  • Councillor Holmes
  • Councillor Lowe
  • Councillor Souter
  • Councillor Torrance
Staff Present
  • Ken Kelly, CAO
  • Jeanne Harfield, Clerk
  • Casey Munro, Deputy Clerk
  • Calvin Murphy, Recreation Manager

Mayor Lowry called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

Mayor Lowry joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Deputy Mayor Minnille joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Councillor Ferguson joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Councillor Holmes joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Councillor Lowe joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Councillor Souter joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Councillor Torrance joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Ken Kelly, CAO joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Jeanne Harfield, Clerk joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Casey Munro, Deputy Clerk joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
Calvin Murphy, Recreation Manager joined the meeting at 12:01 PM.
  • Resolution No108-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Minnille
    Seconded byCouncillor Lowe

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.


Council recessed at 12:31 pm and returned at 12:45 pm

  • Resolution No109-23
    Moved byCouncillor Torrance
    Seconded byCouncillor Lowe

    THAT Council provide the following direction to the steering committee:

    • Creation of a consistent Policy Framework;
    • Develop Mission statement - per program and for the whole plan;
    • Review business practices from other municipalities – what may work for Mississippi Mills;
    • Conduct a Gap analysis (how to identify and analyze new programs/needs or gaps in facilities). Review and explore new programs and or changes to existing programs;
    • Identify stakeholder engagement and focus groups (how many and how to facilitate), include youth and how information will be reviewed and provided to Council;
    • Review the usage of neighbourhood parks;
    • Review of previous Master Plans;
    • Determine an appropriate Length of the plan (10 years/5 years);
    • Align themes with user groups;
    • How to encourage cooperation beyond our boundaries;
    • Ensure that the plan is representative of all residents – all wards and demographics, reach out to all places and people in Mississippi Mills;
    • Develop realistic and sustainable recommendations;
    • Include a lens that looks at all aspects that improves the quality of life;
    • Recommending a role that the municipality can play to share messages on how to get involved in community volunteer opportunities;
    • Identify what the demands are of Mississippi Mills families and what are  opportunities;
    • Space for groups – public space – does Municipality build, fund, facilitate access – is it something that needs to be a part of funding agreements – there must be public space made available.  Does the space have to be Municipal or can it be third party – church, stakeholder, facility run by a fee for membership group.  
      Program expansion and passive activities, walking trails in Blakeney, Appleton, Pakenham, etc.;
    • Level of capital cost recovery for users;
    • Measurement of facility operational cost vs. value of programs and services;
    • Review of current pricing model;
    • Objectives for facility user groups to be age friendly (seniors and youth), diversity/equality/inclusivity, adopting a code of conduct;
    • Approach to program delivery;
    • Museum network cooperation and collaboration including a review of museum municipal funding structure and process;
    • Review of municipal support for festivals and cultural events;
    • Approach to early childhood education programming;
    • And that the Steering Committee has regular update reports back to Council
  • Resolution No110-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Minnille
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT Council appoint the following three members to the Community Services Master Plan Steering Committee: Councillor Ferguson, Councillor Torrance and Councillor Lowe.

  • Resolution No111-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT By-law 23-021 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills at its special meeting held on the 30th day of March 2023, be read, passed, signed and sealed in Open Council this 30th day of March 2023.

  • Resolution No112-23
    Moved byCouncillor Torrance
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 1:22 p.m.