The Municipality of Mississippi Mills

Council Meeting


  • Mayor Lowry
  • Deputy Mayor Minnille
  • Councillor Dalgity
  • Councillor Maydan
  • Councillor Holmes
  • Councillor Guerard
  • Councillor Ferguson
Staff Present
  • Ken Kelly, CAO
  • Casey Munro, Deputy Clerk
  • Jeanne Harfield, Clerk

Mayor Lowry called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

  • Resolution No024-22
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council enter into camera at 5:30 p.m. for an Offer to Purchase Land as per a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Municipal Act s239 (2)(c))


Offer to Purchase Land

Staff direction was provided in camera.

Council stood for the playing of O Canada.

Council observed a moment of silent meditation.

The Clerk announced attendance.

  • Resolution No025-22
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Resolution No026-22
    Moved byCouncillor Dalgity
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the Council minutes dated January 25, 2022 be approved as presented.

  • Resolution No027-22
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Ferguson

    THAT Council approve the Committee of the Whole motions from the January 25, 2022 meeting.

  • Resolution No028-22

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council extend Councillor Bev Holmes as Committee of the Whole Chair until February 28, 2022;

    AND THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council appoint Councillor Maydan as Committee of the Whole Chair effective March 1, 2022.

  • Resolution No029-22

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council approve the proposed updates to the Municipality’s Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy.

  • Resolution No030-22

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council approve the proposed updates to the Municipality’s Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy.

  • Resolution No031-22

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council approve Option 1 - subsidize 50% of the cost of LTD premiums.

  • Resolution No032-22

    THAT Council consider group purchasing through OPP Lanark Detachment Black Cat speed radar detectors as part of the 2022 municipal budget. 

Deputy Mayor Minnille took over as Chair at 6:14 pm

Mayor Lowry resumed as Chair at 6:31 pm

  • Resolution No033-22
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byMayor Lowry

    THAT  Council refer the following motion back to Committee of the Whole or further consideration:

    that the allocation of funds derived from the sale of 28 Mill Street and the capital reserve for the building for a combined amount of $652,787.22 be allocated 50% towards general capital expenditures or $326,393.61 and 50% towards water & sewer expenditures or $326,393.61 as per Option 1(A) and as defined in the Draft Budget 2022 as tabled.

  • Resolution No034-22
    Moved byCouncillor Dalgity
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council approve that the allocation of funds derived from the sale of 28 Mill Street and the capital reserve for the building for a combined amount of $652,787.22 be allocated 50% towards general capital expenditures or $326,393.61 and 50% towards water & sewer expenditures or $326,393.61 as per Option 1(A) and as defined in the Draft Budget 2022 as tabled.

    YAS (4)Councillor Dalgity, Councillor Maydan, Councillor Holmes, and Councillor Guerard
    NAS (3)Mayor Lowry, Deputy Mayor Minnille, and Councillor Ferguson
    CARRIED (4 to 3)
  • Resolution No035-22
    Moved byCouncillor Dalgity
    Seconded byCouncillor Guerard

    THAT Council approve the allocation of the $225,000 dividend payment, the $119,433 interest payment and the $1 million promissory note repayment from MRPC be allocated 50% towards general capital expenditures and 50% towards water & sewer reserves as per Option 1(B) and as defined in the Draft Budget 2022 as tabled.

    YAS (4)Councillor Dalgity, Councillor Maydan, Councillor Holmes, and Councillor Guerard
    NAS (3)Mayor Lowry, Deputy Mayor Minnille, and Councillor Ferguson
    CARRIED (4 to 3)
  • Resolution No036-22
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Dalgity

    THAT By-law 22-004 being a by-law to provide for an interim tax levy in 2022 be taken as read, passed, signed and sealed in Open Council.

  • Resolution No037-22
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Ferguson

    THAT By-law 22-005 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills at its regular meeting held on the 1st day of February, 2022, be read, passed, signed and sealed in Open Council this 1st day of February, 2022.

  • Resolution No038-22
    Moved byCouncillor Dalgity
    Seconded byCouncillor Ferguson

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:32 p.m.