Municipality of Mississippi Mills



  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.

  • Recommended Motion:

    THAT the minutes dated September 21, 2022 be approved.

The applicant is requesting the following Minor Variance from Zoning By-law #11-83:

  • To permit a Secondary Dwelling Unit that is greater in size than an amount equal to 40% of the gross floor area of its principal dwelling unit
  • To permit a Secondary Dwelling Unit on a lot that is legally non-complying with respect to lot width and lot area

The applicant is requesting the following Minor Variance from Zoning By-law #11-83:

  • To legalize a newly rebuilt shed in the rear yard of the property that is located 0 m away from an existing garage

The applicant is requesting the following Minor Variance from Zoning By-law #11-83:

  • To permit one parking space in tandem with principal dwelling parking space per each Secondary Dwelling Unit in a semi-detached dwelling
  • To permit a parking space located less than 6 metres away from a habitable room window of a unit for which the parking space is not reserved and a driveway located less than 3.5 metres away from a habitable room window of a unit for which the parking space is not reserved
  • To permit tandem parking on a driveway where the parking space reserved for the principal dwelling unit located in the garage will be obstructed

A reminder to the public and current committee members to submit their application forms for the 2022-2026 Committee of Adjustment term.

The next Committee of Adjustment meeting is scheduled for December 21, 2022.