The Municipality of Mississippi Mills

Council Meeting


3131 Old Perth Road.
  • Mayor Lowry
  • Deputy Mayor Minnille
  • Councillor Ferguson
  • Councillor Holmes
  • Councillor Lowe
  • Councillor Souter
  • Councillor Torrance
Staff Present
  • Ken Kelly, CAO
  • Jeanne Harfield, Clerk
  • Casey Munro, Deputy Clerk
  • Kathy Davis, Director of Corporate Services
  • Tiffany MacLaren, Manager of Community and Economic Development

Mayor Lowry called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.

Mayor Lowry declared a conflict of interest on items B.1 - Business Park Offer due to an immediate family member being employed by the potential purchaser. Mayor Lowry let the room and did not participate in any discussion or direction provided to staff.

  • Resolution No445-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Ferguson

    THAT Council enter into an in-camera session at 5:02 pm as per

    Municipal Act s.239 (2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Business Park Offer of Purchase and;

    Municipal Act s. 239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Market Salary Review


Business Park Offer


Market Salary and Pay Equity Review


Mayor Lowry declared a conflict of interest on items C.1 - Business Park Offer due to an immediate family member being employed by the potential purchaser. 

Deputy Mayor Minnille announced that staff direction was provided.

  • Resolution No446-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Ferguson

    THAT the matter be referred to a special meeting of Council on December 14th


Mayor Lowry stated that December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and all flags will be lowered. 

Council stood for the playing of O Canada.

Council observed a moment of silent meditation in honour the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

The Clerk announced attendance.

  • Resolution No447-23
    Moved byCouncillor Souter
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the agenda be approved as presented.


Mayor Lowry declared a conflict of interest on items B.1 and C.1 due to an immediate family member being employed by the potential purchaser. 

  • Resolution No448-23
    Moved byCouncillor Torrance
    Seconded byCouncillor Lowe

    THAT the Council minutes dated November 14 and November 21, 2023 be approved as presented.


Council presented Monica Blackburn with flowers in recognition of her 36 years with the Mississippi Mills Public Library and to wish her well in her retirement.

  • Resolution No449-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council approve the Committee of the Whole motions from the November 21st, 2023 meeting.

  • Resolution No450-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council accept and approve the 2022 Audited Financial Statements for the Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills.

  • Resolution No451-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council approve the Development Charges background study and suggested bylaws;

    AND THAT Council approve the capital project listing set out in chapter 5 of the DC Background Study dated October 5, 2023, subject to further annual review during the capital budget process;

    AND THAT there are no further public meetings required. 

  • Resolution No452-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council approve the Zoning By-law Amendment to amend a portion of the zoning of the subject lands which are municipally known as RAMSAY CON 10 PT LOT 16 RP 27R-8445 PARTS 1 TO 4 9 TO 11, RP-27R-8990 PART 1, Almonte Ward, Municipality of Mississippi Mills, municipally known as 430 Ottawa Street from Highway Commercial holding zone (C4-4h) to Highway Commercial (C4-4) in order to permit a portion of the property to be redeveloped with a new free standing commercial building, similar in effect to the details in Attachment A. 

  • Resolution No453-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    THAT Council to approve an increase to the Bylaw Enforcement contract hours of service to be purchased from 20hrs per week to 50hrs per week;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized in execute a contract for the provision of these services.

  • Resolution No454-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Holmes

    WHEREAS the national shortage of housing is having an impact in all areas of Mississippi Mills;

    AND WHEREAS, Official Plan Amendment 28, Rural Villages and Rural Vitality will be reviewing the Rural and Agricultural policies of the Official Plan;

    AND WHEREAS, the Official Plan permits the creation of rural, non-farm residential lots subject to a number of policies in the Rural designation;

    AND WHEREAS, Additional Residential Units can make homeownership more viable, provide opportunities to support multi-generational farming operations and may also increasing local attainable rental stock;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to include the review of the rural, non-farm residential severance policies in the Rural designation and the policies related to Additional Residentials Units in the Rural and Agricultural designations as part of Official Plan Amendment 28

  • Resolution No456-23
    Moved byDeputy Mayor Minnille
    Seconded byCouncillor Torrance

    THAT Council support Lanark County's Better Homes Lanark County program

    AND THAT staff be directed to submit a letter of support to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Community Efficiency Financing review Committee. 


Councillor Ferguson or Torrance will represent Mississippi Mills on the Transition Committee to set up the police service board.

  • Resolution No457-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Torrance

    THAT Council defer the appointment until further information is received regarding the makeup of the Police Service Board.


Kathy Davis, Director of Corporate Services/Treasurer/Deputy CAO, and Andrew Hodge, Deputy Treasurer, presented updated budget information. Highlights include: reserves, insurance costs, OCIF decrease

Members posed questions throughout including: insurance costs, tax rates and stabilization, 

Council recessed at 6:56pm and returned at 7:02pm

  • Resolution No458-23
    Moved byCouncillor Torrance
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT Council approve Option O and direct staff to maintain Corporate Services reserve contributions of $112,924 in the 2024 draft budget

  • THAT Council approve Option U and direct staff to reflect that the draw from reserves in the 2024 draft budget be exactly $520,387 (or some other agreed upon amount);
    AND THAT the tax rate increase in the 2024 draft budget be exactly 3.5% (or some other agreed upon rate),
    AND THAT any remaining funds be used to reduce the amount of debt required for capital projects in the 2024 budget, specifically related to roads / transportation infrastructure.

  • THAT Council receive as information that the updated insurance premium increase has been added to the draft budget for an additional cost of $22,859;
    AND THAT Council receive as information that the updated by-law services contract has been added to the draft budget amounting to savings of $21,419.

  • Resolution No459-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byCouncillor Lowe

    THAT Council approve the 2024 capital budget;

    AND THAT the draft 2024 operating budget be brought forward for further discussion.

  • Resolution No460-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-laws 23-080 to 23-089 be taken as read, passed, signed, and sealed in Open Council.

  • Resolution No461-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-080 being a by-law to repeal by-law 20-102 which is a by-law appointing Cynthia Moyle as an Acting Clerk be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No462-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-081 being a by-law for the imposition of Development Charges for services related to a highway be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No463-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-082 being a by-law for the imposition of Development Charges fire protection services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No464-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-083 being a by-law for the imposition of Development Charges for parks and recreation services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No465-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-084 being a by-law for the imposition of Development Charges for Library services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No466-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-085 being a by-law for the imposition of development charges for child care services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No467-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-086 being a by-law for the imposition of development charges for septage services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No468-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-087 being a by-law for the imposition of development charges for wastewater services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No469-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-088 being a by-law for the imposition of development charges for water services be read, passed, signed and sealed.

  • Resolution No470-23
    Moved byCouncillor Holmes
    Seconded byCouncillor Souter

    THAT By-law 23-089 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 11-83 being the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Mississippi Mills for the lands legally described as Part of Lot 16, Concession 10, Part 1, Plan 27R-8990, Parts 1-4, 9-12, Plan RP 27R-8445 be read, passed, signed and sealed.


Mayor Lowry thanked staff and community volunteers for the Christmas activities throughout the municipality over the past weekend.

  • Resolution No471-23
    Moved byCouncillor Lowe
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT By-law 23-090 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Mississippi Mills at its regular meeting held on the 5th day of December 2023, be read, passed, signed, and sealed in Open Council this 5th day of December 2023.

  • Resolution No472-23
    Moved byCouncillor Ferguson
    Seconded byDeputy Mayor Minnille

    THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:11 p.m.